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domingo, 20 de fevereiro de 2011

Inglês Conteúdo Programático 6o ano Antiga 5a série

Pesquise os assuntos no menu de gramática do blog [aqui]

Pesquise vocabulário [aqui no blog]


01- The alphabet oral training.

02- Vocabulary: greetings.

03-Present tense to be structure: singular form am, is, are.

04- Possessive adjectives, singular my.

05- Personal pronouns, singular: I, you, he, she, it.

06-Vocabulary cardinal numbers: 1 to 20.

07- Vocabulary: countries, state, cities (address).

08- Present tense to be: Plural forms are

09- Possessive adjectives.

10- Personal pronouns, plural: we, you, they.

11- Wh-questions: what (name), where (live), how (age)

12- Vocabulary: cardinal numbers (20 to100).

13- Possessive adjectives, singular his (male), her (female)

14 Personal pronouns, plural form: we, you, they.

15- Indefinite article: a (consonant sound), an (vowel sound).

16- Singular and plural form of the nouns.


17- Vocabulary: countries and nationalities.

18- Vocabulary: days of the week and months of the year.

19- Vocabulary: occupations, job.

20- Prepositions of place: in-on-under, over.

21- Vocabulary: family members.

22- Wh-questions ‘yes/ no question’ wit h present tense to be.

23- Vocabulary: colors, school supplies (school objects).

24- Possessive case (‘s), genitive case.

25- Possessive adjectives singular: my, your, his, her, its.

26- Demonstrative pronoun singular (this-that), plural (these-those).

27- Vocabulary: human body.

28- vocabulary: cardinal numbers: 100 to 900.

29- Personal pronouns review: singular and plural forma

30- Possessive adjectives plural form: our, your, their.

31- Vocabulary: sports.

32- Present tense to be: affirmative and negative form

33- Adjectives describing feelings.

34- Present tense to be: question form.

35- Present tense to be review: affirmative, negative and question forms.

36- Verb there to be present tense forms: there is, there are.

37- Use of ‘some’ and ‘any’.

38- Plural of nouns review and nouns ending in s, ss, ch, x, z.

39- Vocabulary: places in a town, weather,

40- Parts of the house and furniture.

41- Imperative form: affirmative and classroom commands.

42- Vocabulary: the weather.
43- Use of can as a request.

44- Use of the preposition from and preposition of place.

45- Subject pronouns (singular: I, he, she, you) with be short

46- Subject pronoun: it, question words: when and how

47- Adjectives: describe physical characteristics and personality, opinion.

48- Use of Mr. (sir), Miss (young female), Mrs. (lady). / Ms (short form for Miss).
49- Demonstrative pronouns: singular forms: this /that, and plural forms: these / those.


50- Possessive (‘s) case, genitive case review.

51- Use of Let’s + verb

52- Conjunctions: and, but.

53- Verb there to be: affirmative form: there is / there are, negative and question forms.

54- Use of any and no

55- Use of how many and how much.

56- Regular and irregular noun singular and plural.

57- Vocabulary: food, vegetables, meals.

58- Verb to have as auxiliary forms: have, has.

59- English expression: what about (noun or verb + ing), what time is it? Use of periods of: time, day or week.

60- Simple present tense structure: main verbs, to have

61- Simple present tense: short answer, affirmative form

62- Simple present tense affirmative form 3rd person singular,

63- Adverbs: position, frequency,

64- Simple present tense negative forma (do not and does not)

65- Simple present tense question form: does? Do?

Um comentário:

andersonhigo disse...

Olá, estou precisando de material para trabalhar conteúdos de inglês do 6º ao 9º ano. Poderia me indicar?